Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Not for the squeamish

I guess the title for this entry could have been "Just for the guys" or "We don't need no stinking dentists!"

About three weeks ago I started getting this horrible throbbing toothache that was keeping me up at night. I had to pop asprin a couple times a day so I could eat. I made an appointment with a dentist, but by the time I got there 4 days later, the pain had finally dissappeared. I just had a bunch of dental work done right before we left the states, and the new dentist said everything looked good. She also said that sometimes you can have some discomfort from getting a lot of work done at the same time and to come back if the pain started again. About a week later it started to feel funky again, but it was more the gums than the teeth. It was most painful when I pushed on the outside, just next to my nose. So last night I pulled my lip up and saw that it was puffy and bruised. It felt kind of like a blister, all squishy and whatnot. So I decided to do a little surgery on myself. I took a knife (not just any knife, the engraved one Alan got me for being in his wedding) and cut a slit into my gum.

That. Shit. Hurt.

At first it started to bleed a little. Then it started to bleed some more. Then I pushed on the squishy parts. Now, I'm not exactly sure how much puss a human head can hold but if there was a category for it in the Guinness world record book, I would definitely be getting my 15 minutes of fame right now. After a good 20 minutes of pushing, I finally got all the creamy goodness out. And now my teeth and gums feel 90% better and it didn't cost me a thing. Now as long as it doesn't come back even worse and make my head explode, everything should be fine. I hope.

1 comment:

Edski said...

same thing happened to me

i'd reccomend that you get to a dentist and have them do an x-ray for an abcess in that general region

lest you want to have a missing incisor like me