Sunday, November 4, 2007

All Saints Day

Thursday was a Polish holiday called All Saints Day where people go to the cemetaries and leave candles on the graves. We went to the largest and most famous Warsaw cemetary, Powazki Cmentarz, to check it out and it was amazing. Candles were everywhere, most of the graves had no more room to put anymore on them. Unfortunately there were way too many people there for me to set up my tripod and get some good shots, so I went back the next day when the sun was out. I spent about 2 hours taking photos and I probably only got about halfway through the cemetary. And I only took pictures of a very small amount of graves. I can't even begin to guess how many people are buried there, it's by far the biggest cemetary I've ever seen in my life. I didn't even get to the section that has all the people from WWII and the Warsaw Uprising. Plus, there's a Jewish cemetary next to it that's about the same size as the one I was in. I'll be going back sometime in the next couple of weeks so I can get more shots, but I uploaded a bunch to the Flickr page, so check 'em out.


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