Hell. Yes!
This is how superhero movies are supposed to be.
And speaking of movies, we watched Juno the other day. That piece of crap has got to be the most overrated movie ever. It wasn't horrible, it had some funny parts, it just wasn't very good and not deserving of all the hype it got. And it definitely wasn't worthy of the Oscar it won for best screenplay. I'm 100% certain that if it hadn't been written by an ex-stripper who somehow broke into the industry, it never would've gotten all the attention it did.
Anyways, There Will be Blood is sitting on the table right now, so we're gonna watch that soon. Hopefully that'll be as good as I think it's gonna be.
I am going to assume you stayed through the credits to see the extra scene with Col. Nick Fury starting to tell Tony about the Avengers Initative. Samuel Jackson makes a better Nick Fury than your idol (David Hasselhoff) ever did
I knew about the scene, but we didn't stay because as soon as the credits roll everybody leaves asap cuz they turn the floodlights on (seriously, they're bright as hell). And then the theater guy comes in and stares at you like he's gonna beat you with his flashlight. I figure the scene will pop up online soon, or I can just wait until the DVD. The first thing Kim said when we left is "We're buying that!" and she kinda wants to go see it again.
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